
Close Encounters with Animals (Part 2)

Coming back from Sipadan Island had left me dreaming about that paradise for one whole week. Yeah, that's how crazy it is.

The thing that I loved most, when I was there, is getting close encounters with turtles of all sizes, everyday.

Photo taken by Bey Yee Hau

I envied those who had seen turtles in Redang before I've been on to this trip. I've been to Redang and Perhentian twice! And never saw any of them. However, this time, I've seen too many of them, I can't count.

Swimming with the turtles are simply wonderful. They "fly" gracefully through the water, flip their "wings" effortlessly but yet, having the speed that is so fast, we had to swim harder to catch up. Looking at them, is really something peaceful.

Apart of being able to swim with the turtles, Ai Mei and I were chased by trigger fish while following a small turtle. I guessed we were too close to its nest and offended it. We swam away for our life, but we laughed our heart out after that.

Besides, we were lucky to come into contact with a school of big eye trevally! Our guide swam through the tornado of fishes, and let us in. We were in the middle of the tornado! How cool was that!

Then of course, we saw several white tip reef sharks. This was the 2nd time I saw sharks while snorkelling! It's so cool!

What's my next close encounter with animal?

Part 1, please refer here.

PS. Now I'm really crazy for turtle, I'm looking up and down for the soft toy turtle from Finding Nemo. If you know where to find it, please tell me :)




我不知道是不是每个姐姐都希望弟弟永远长不大。永远都是那个可爱到让人想捏一把的样子。永远都停留在对每样事情都好奇的年龄。永远,都在玩玩具车,都在骑sing sing car。





Bumblebee & A New Friend

Call me crazy, when I got this watch as a present from Yee Hau, I called it Bumblebee. The colour combination reminds me a lot of Bumblebee.

I wanted to get this watch simply because of the step counter that comes with it. Besides, it tells you how much calorie you burnt. (Girls love this) It tells me I walked average 15km per day during my backpacking travel. I'm proud of it. I've been loving it.

However, there's a problem with the rubber strap. It stains easily. At first, water is good enough to clean it. Then, I have to start using soap water. Then now, soap water doesn't do a good job too.

It struck me while I was watching TV, "Why didn't I try wet tissue?". Please don't call me aunty, but I always have the habit to keep the wet tissue given by restaurant. Hence... after shower, I was cleaning my Bumblebee with wet tissue. And it works! Now it's clean!!! :)

* * * * *

But there's one problem with Bumblebee, it's too sporty. It doesn't go well with all my outfit (Girls... *roll eyes*). So, I've been eye-ing the white watch from Casio for some time.

Then, finally I had my friend to get this for me all the way from HK! It's $40 cheaper, how can you blame me? :P

And for the record, this is the first watch I ever bought for myself. Like, seriously.

Will I regret for it's pure white? I guess I will. But I'm loving it for this moment.

So, no more watch for ... I dunno, another few years.



No news is good news.





我看见国外的其中一个新闻影像,结束前,记者说:“This is democracy, the Malaysian way”。好啊,我们又成为别人的笑柄了⋯⋯



最近,姐姐、毓豪和我,忙着为八月六日陈奕迅的吉隆坡演唱会做准备。除了一些机票酒店等事情,我们忙着练习。对于陈奕迅的旧歌,我们再熟悉不过,不过,近期的两张专辑,还没有很熟悉,所以很努力 :P




作曲 : Vincent Chow 
编曲 : Gary Tong
监制 : Alvin Leong

过去十八岁 没戴表 不过有时间
够我 没有後顾 野性贪玩
霎眼廿七岁 时日无多 方不敢偷惰
宏愿纵未了 奋斗总不太晚

然 後突然今秋
望望身边 应该有 已尽有
我的美酒 跑车 相机 金表 也 讲究
直到世间 个个也妒忌 仍不怎麽富有
用我尚有 换我没有 其实已 用尽所拥有

曾付出几多心跳 来换取一堆堆的发票
人值得 命中减少几秒 多买一只表
秒速 捉得紧了 而皮肤竟偷偷松了
为何用到尽了 至知哪样紧要

劳力是 无止境
活着多好 不需要 靠物证
也不以高薪 高职 高级品 搏尊敬 wo~
就算搏到 伯爵那地位 和萧邦的隽永
卖了任性 日拼夜拼 忘掉了为甚麽高兴

曾付出几多心跳 来换取一堆堆的发票
人值得 命中减少几秒 多买一只表
秒速 捉得紧了 而皮肤竟偷偷松了
为何用到尽了 至知哪样紧要

记 住那 关於光阴的教训
回头走 天已暗
你献出了十寸 时和分

还剩低几多心跳 人面胀水晶表面对照
连 自己 亦都分析不了 得到多与少
也许真的疯了 那个倒影多麽可笑
灵魂若变卖了 上链也没心跳

银或金都不紧要 谁造机芯 一样了
计划了 照做了 得到了 时间却太少 no~
还剩低几多心跳 还在数赶不及了
昂贵是这刻 我觉悟了
在时计里 看破一生 渺渺
