






I miss my dogs

This is not my dog. This is Taishan that we met in Yang Shuo, Ming Yuan Cafe.


I had 2 dogs when I was young. I had one in Ipoh, named Dale. And another one in Taman SriRambai when I was Primary 3, named Beethoven. Both had weird behaviours, that I believe it would be pointless even you had sent them to pets behavioural school.


Dale, according to my mom (I was too young to recall so many things), likes to wet-floor skiing whenever my mom mopped the floor. And even worse, he bang on the door every time he failed to break. I guess that was how he got a little bit crazy! But my parents had decided to leave him with the vet when we moved to BM, for reasons that remained unknown to me till date, which I also chose not to ask.


Beethoven, my 2nd dog, was given to us by my mom's friend. I still remember Beethoven's first night in the house... I guess he was probably lonely and scared, he cried for the whole night. It made me sad, and I couldn't fall asleep too. I would go out to the living room to check him out in the little box. He would stop when he heard me, and continue when I was out of sight. I woke up early the next morning even though I hardly slept. And found Beethoven was awake too.

I remember I asked my mom, what shall I feed him. And my mom asked me to make some milk and give him some bread. Beethoven had a habit to keep some small pieces of bread under the tree in the garden every time we served him the food. And in the afternoon, he would have tea break under the tree. Brilliant!

Beethoven had not been a nice dog. He dug holes everywhere in the house. He dug small holes on the wall with my little brother when he was just a baby, and later on continued with bigger and deeper holes in the garden when he grew up. To make things worse, he attempt to attack my neighbours kids who had made fun of him when he was a puppy.

At the end, my parents had to take him away from the house. I never know where Beethoven was. And again, I chose not to ask. But I remember on that day, when my family went out but I chose to stay at home, I called my friend and cried on the phone for so long.

I still miss Beethoven.


Then, I never had any dog anymore. But my relatives do. My aunt moved her golden retriever from England to Penang, he's Ben. He's the first golden retreiver I knew. He's very clever because he's a bilingual dog. My aunt spoke English to him, while his later owner, my grandma spoke Hokkien. So he understood both. :D

Ben, was also a funny dog. He's completely different from other dogs that I've seen, he loves water. You can't stop him from running into the sea water. You can't stop him from jumping into the garden temporary children swimming pool. You can't stop him from standing out in the rain. You can't... simply stop him from water.

Ben passed away at old age without sickness (except for Hong Sip according to the vet) when I was in University. My aunt buried him some feet under the ground in the garden and planted a tree at that spot. I would thought of him every time I saw a golden retriever.


I once thought I'd like to have a dog when I have a place of my own. But I have given up this thought, simply it's way too hard for me when I lost them.

Dogs dogs dogs... Never fail to make you love them.


Happy Birthday to Kia Hooi

It's not too late, it's still Kia Hooi birthday before 12am :D

I always think, how fast we have aged whenever it comes to any of my friend's birthday and also of course, my birthday! We used to celebrate birthdays together, to sing birthday song in front of everybody in the canteen, in restaurants, in malls, in Chinese Orchestra room... It has always been a bit embarrassing for the birthday girl/boy as everybody will stare at our direction when we did!

All these felt like yesterday!

But before we knew, we had left the town that we grew up together, one by one, to study, to pursuit our own career and life. Now, we can only send cards to each other. Of course, the sms, Facebook messages, MSN messages all come together too!

How I wish I could still celebrate birthday with them...

We're far apart but we never fall apart.

Happy Birthday Kia Hooi! Enjoy you big day!



Saw Sock Hoai's blog recommending this. Since it's been some time since I watched Jap movie, and it's been some time I cried in the movie, I've decided to watch this, alone. But I forgot I wasn't alone at all, because the cinema was packed with people even though it's weekdays. It's school holidays! I've forgotten about that!

It's a movie, where a cellist "accidentally" became a make up artist. Not any common make up artist you've seen, he only did it on dead bodies. It was kind of funny in the beginning on how he struggled to overcome his fears and uneasiness. But, the tears just kept rolling down from my cheek at the end. It's not a very sad movie, but it sure moved you a lot.

Worth a watch!


Why? Because I'm damn angry and mad right now!

The owner had came to the flat to take BEAUTIFUL pictures of this unit so that we can advertise it for resale. We're not against it, as we do not have a choice. We let her came in by herself as we're all off to work.

I just stepped into my house, like 15mins ago. Guess what I found out? The place is now looking as if there wasn't anybody staying, no shoes, no mat, nothing on the table, nothing on coffee table, even nothing on the goddamn kitchen cupboard! She stuffed all our things into store room and cupboard and never took them out!

I have to find my shoes in store room, my mat stuffed in a corner and even more things that I do not know where to look for. Where the hell is my coffee????


I wish I could move instantly!


In the Middle of...

Have you ever realized your room is always the messiest when you're tidying?


We're packing our stuffs, to clear the extra room for my owner so that she could rent it to another extra person in this house. The room is a mess, the place is a mess and I'm in a mess too

Just within 10 days, a lot of things turned upside down. When I came back, I learned that my owner wanted to rent out the extra room without a proper door for another person. And I also learned that this situation is just going to be temporary because at the end, all the occupants in the flat will have to move because she's selling it.

That means, I'm going to look for a place to stay, all of the sudden.

One of the housemate is getting married soon. Another, he is expecting us to "find a new place together" but we had rejected his "invitation" kindly.


We always have a peace, when the tidying job is over. That is when the mess is gone, or we just hide the mess somewhere invisible.

I need a peace of mind and also a peaceful looking place. I keep telling myself, this is just temporary.

When the tidal wave is gone, the sand will set. Ain't it?



薇薇摄 (绝对没有edit)
















上周四,看看空气渐渐变好。我就带上我的隐形眼镜。没想到比之前还痛,眼泪真的拼命流。在没办法之下我就到我们公司的诊所看诊。看诊的过程就免谈了,反正是把我气死,才好不容易拿到了我的Refer Letter,明天到眼科专科去看诊。

