
I want to be Darth Vader and Let Ah En & Dajie to be Stormtrooper

I don't have to emphasize any further to tell you 3 of us are crazy Star Wars fans who repeatedly watched SW uncountable times.

And I saw something that made me go crazy today!

The ones that were displayed were Stormtroopers. I just could not resist to go in and take a look, and guess what I saw?? A Darth Vader sneakers!!!!! How cool was that? It was black (duh~) I was too embarrassed to snap a picture of that Darth Vader shoes in the shop, so I downloaded one to show you :P

They weren't cheap. The sneakers cost $99 per pair. If I could, I would buy Darth Vader for myself and Stromtroopers for En and Dajie. Muahahahahaha!!! And they'll have to obey me!!!!!

Muahahahahaha..... *Blocked-nose-Darth-Vader-Trademark-Breathe*

11 条评论:

Ying Ying 盈盈 说...

wah, $99 per pair a? tempted to buy loh~~~~ you think they will have discount later?

薇薇 说...

i also dunno.
i also hope they have offer...

u clicked the link to see other designs?

Ying Ying 盈盈 说...

ei, go chech the price of the vader hood ;p

Unknown 说...

99 eh, same as a normal Adidas shoes... Except this had license from George Lucas... xD

huinee 说...

LOL! I tried to picture Darth Vader himself wearing those sneakers and I can't help laughing... :P

薇薇 说...

da jie, i didn't see other things in that shop except for the sneakers.

en, yes, it's the same price as the normal shoes.

hui nee, nobody asked you to imagine that way...

Ying Ying 盈盈 说...

alamak, Hui Nee, don't let your imagination go too wild.

Ah En, you are right too. Now I'm REALLY tempting to buy.....

Ying Ying 盈盈 说...
薇薇 说...

can u find that in msia?

Ying Ying 盈盈 说...

dunno. long time never go shopping liao

薇薇 说...

maybe u can check out the price if u saw that :)
let me know msia or sg cheaper