
Slow Down

Ever thought of why on earth do we have to walk so fast? Especially those who live in Singapore like me. Have you ever thought, even just once, why are you walking so fast? Why can't we take a deep breathe and walk slowly, and look at the scenery that surrounds us? Even though they're just buses and people, there must be something interesting hiding somewhere.

Why can't we spend more time thinking of the works and projects that we're doing, planning them and organizing them before dip our heads into the deadlines and URGENCY?



These two words have been conquering our daily lives. Take a close look at those recruitments, qualities that they're looking for--MULTI-TASKING. Have any one of us take a look into dictionary and get a closer understanding what is efficient? And how does it differ from effective?

performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill, and industry

adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result

My "england" is not very "powderful", but I know if I were a boss, I should look for effectiveness.

I was walking slowly this afternoon towards the ever boring Jurong Point to buy some meat to cook Bak Kut Teh for dinner. I was walking very slow because I just had my shower, and I don't want to sweat under the super hot sun. But what I realized was, people were walking past me, some showed very impatient faces as if the pace I walked will cost them a million dollar. They're walking as if they're catching a bus or MRT to work. But, COME ON people, this is Sunday!!

I feel sad for people who live in city, a busy one like Singapore, including myself. We've forgotten how to live a life, instead we had just let the life taken us. And then complaining we have no lives?

Come on...

There were times I walked so fast even though I was out on a date with Yee Hau. Sometimes he would hold me back, sometimes I would hold him back.

It saddens me how sometimes we've forgotten we can relax our muscles, and live.

Remember how I did say that when you've achieved your purposes of life, the person in-charged of deaths will take you away? Well... Don't rush. Take your time, make every second, every little things you do a meaningful and quality ones, rather than compete among each other how many things we've achieved.

If you caught me walking too fast, hold me back. I don't want to die young.

(Perhaps this is how the Cantonese come up with 赶住去投胎么... I think this must be the reason behind)

3 条评论:

ChoonShih 说...

Sometimes, the time passing us without our notice. Despite the truth that time is moving fast, it is just because we never stop to observe our surroundings, people and things around us.

匿名 说...

Hmm... This made me realized one thing. I don't know why I usually walk faster then the average crowd. But this should somehow related to why I'm quite an unobservant person - I'm always rushing.

huinee 说...

Haha! Next Jan when I go back I'll walk slowly with you... :P I never walk fast because I'm so "lun jun"...if I walk quickly I will surely trip over my own feet... >.<