

傍晚闲来无事,就决定到IMM去买买东西(听起来很aunty)。从文礼到IMM,有shuttle bus。好处就是把你直接载到IMM门口,不怕风吹雨打。

说了是免费服务,就有各行各色的人上巴士 (而且是争先恐后哦!别以为新加坡人就爱排队!)屁股才碰到椅子,那位巴士司机突然对一个Bangaladeshi工地工人大喊:“oi!brother!this is for shopping!not for worker!!!TAKE OUT! TAKE OUT!”那位仁兄显然不是很明白,就往车里走。那司机老兄一连愤怒的样子,一直瞪着倒后镜。然后重复同样的话。






为什么流浪 流浪远方





Of work and career

I always wonder, what makes people feel bored of going to work? Is that because we've lost our passion to things in daily life? Is that because we're affected by negative energy around us when people having too much of complaints? Or is it because, we simply never feel our importance in things that we do?

I think, it is important, to feel important. Every single person, likes to feel "being" there, Being Somebody to someone. I think the feeling of that, makes a person strives harder.

I saw Hui Nee blogging about the life of her job. I like the way she said, she feels good because things she does, will affect millions of costumers of the product. And that makes her feel good, and wants to do the best for the products! I feel that's a very positive way to deal with our job. If you think it's just a job, I think we'll possibly stuck at the same condition for quite some time. Until one day, some luck strikes you and you've got promoted. If you think it's your career, and you can make a difference, you can!

So, I think it applies not just in our career. We have to find our own passion in every tiny little things that we do, everyday. That will keep us going.




Let's help to make a difference!

Have you ever heard of SEATRU? If not, this is a good time to learn about this. SEATRU, is Sea Turtle Research Unit by Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. I have never heard of this until my cousin told us about it. She's the future vet!

Anyway, it's a voluntary programme which you go to Pulau Redang for a week to help to save the sea turtles. From my cousin's experience, they went there for a week, waited for the sea turtle to come to the beach to lay eggs. Then, they collected the eggs and waited for them to hatch. After hatching, they will take care for the babies for a day or two (I don't remember) and released them back into the sea.

For those who think this is purely for fun, please take note that you will have to do some night shifts.

I'm planning to register for this programme. According to my cousin, the programme is opened for registration on February. And the period for the programme is from May to August. Sounds good to me!

Anyone interested?

Heading to?

I remember some of the phrases from my boss. Sometimes, I think they're very meaningful. He said, "Since when following people is a good idea?" He had told me something similar before, not just once or twice. He likes to have new ideas, new way of doing things. I guess, that was why several months ago he decided to try a fresh grad for the first time in the department.

I reflect the things that I have done. I think, sometimes, maybe I've followed too much. And it is proven that I had followed the wrong person once. Lucky for me, nothing big happened to me.

I'm already 4 months in my job but I am still feeling very NEW. There are so many things to learn, so many techniques to analyse a failure. I learn my way to different techniques and different equipments and principles with every different material that I'm dealing with. It is also good, that I have the chance to know different people, across the departments and institutes.

There's no end for the road called learning. But it doesn't make sense as well, if I have to depend on others so much on every job request I received. So, what's the plan? I asked myself.

Sometimes I kinda feel that I'm heading no where.

Well... Where shall I head?



A sinful weekend.

Yea yea... I had recovered on Saturday, and went for a weekend getaway in...... Conrad Hotel. What's more? It's a Business Level and we had all the access to executive lounge. All day~ Hahahaha!!!! Well, I didn't pay a cent for the stay. Yee Hau won that as grand prize in one of the lucky draw. The gift voucher is valid for 6 months from the date he received it, and we had booked from the hotel for this particular weekend.

No wonder I have miraculous recovery.

It's a weekend getaway, so we're kinda live like no tomorrow. We EAT, SUPER SINFUL food!

Super Sinful labelled even on the menu, HUGE sausages, wrap with bacon and cheese.... at New York, Citilink

Steak and baked potato sprinkled with a lot of bacon bits.... at Jack's Place

High dosage of coffee continuously for two days... simply everywhere...

Buffet breakfast in Conrad Hotel...

Not to mention the free flow of fruits, red wine, champagne, coffee, carbonated drinks, desserts, cakes, etc... at the executive lounge.


How much calories do I have to burn tomorrow?

(Sorry for the picture quality, I was trying some photostop and lazy to undo. Bare with that will ya?)


Sick at Home, Poor Thing...

Well well, I'm SICK...

It's not a good month for me, I've been feeling not so well most of the days throughout the month. I had sprained neck, I had flu back home during Raya... Yesterday, everything adds up, I had flu, sore throat, feverish, diarrhea (a bit)...

I take it as normal sickness, so I went to work. But after a few hours, I thought I couldn't do well at work, so I took a half day off and I rest at home, slept for the whole day until I missed the opening hour of clinic. I cooked porridge and chrysanthemum tea for myself and I thought I shall be alright this morning.

But NO! I couldn't get up for work, so I slept through the morning and went to see a doctor. Poor thing...

I hate to be sick because I feel helpless... And being at home for nothing to do at all, simply sleeping, makes me feel useless too....

Luckily I'm already feeling better after the medicine and some sleep. Tomorrow will be a better day~









Elmo Loves You~~

I know Ying Ying is going to say:"Wei's playing the stupid personality test again..." while playing it! Hahahaha!

Try this~

You Are Elmo

Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do!

You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing.

You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you.

How you life your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!"









Judge a Book by Its Cover

How often do we judge a book by its cover? How often do we judge a person by his/her look? I have to be honest to all of you, it happens often enough to me.

People who know me well enough, know that I'm never a gentle lady who owns a cupboard of pink dresses and make-up table. But today, a man told me I'm too gentle to be an engineer. He thought I was a teacher, or even a nurse. All because of I sprained my neck this morning!

The "wildest" sprain I had in my life. I sprained my neck by sneezing this morning. Don't laugh! I know it's very FUNNY! But it's REAL! And it HURTS too! I almost cried. But after a while, it seems fine, and I continue with my plan, to go Jurong East Citibank to sign up for the credit card which ties to SMRT. However, apparently, my neck didn't do quite well, and I had to maintain the very very small moves. That was how I made the bank personnel who attended to me think I'm too gentle to be an engineer! Oh Gosh! I almost replied him, wait till you know me! Of course I didn't, who the hell has this kinda mood when the neck is sprained?

I'm never a gentle lady, but today someone thought I'm very gentle, even thought I'm the good nurse in hospitals. Oh Come On................................ That would not be me!

I wasn't upset nor happy. But I was thinking, how often to I judge people I met by the way he/she appears to me? WAY TOO OFTEN... Some people that I dislike on first sight, turned out to be some of my quite good friends; While some of the people whom appear to be fine to me, turned out to be someone who gets on my nerves! And how come I never learned the lesson? Don't judge!

Everyone is born to be different. Even friends, whom you thought you had known them for quite some time can surprise you with some extraordinary talents that you never knew they had! So why do we want to judge people the way they appear? Knock me off the next time you heard me judging a person will ya?

FINE! Stop laughing about my sprained neck ok? I know nobody could sprain a neck by sneezing...







我记得小时候我问姐姐,为什么爸爸妈妈从来没有written rules,而我却有好多事情都不敢做?我忘了她是怎么回答,现在我却了解完全是因为爱,那就是最好的教育。Written Rules?我家里从不吃那套。











Guitar? I hope the answer is Violin


You're very independent - both in spirit and in the way you learn.
You can teach yourself almost anything, even if it makes your fingers bleed.

You're not really the type to sit patiently through a music lesson - or do things by the book.
It's more your style to master the fundamentals and see where they take you.

Highly creative and a bit eclectic, you need a wide range of music to play.
You could emerge as a sensitive songwriter... or a manic rock star.

Your dominant personality characteristic: being rebellious

Your secondary personality characteristic: tenacity