How often do we judge a book by its cover? How often do we judge a person by his/her look? I have to be honest to all of you, it happens often enough to me.
People who know me well enough, know that I'm never a gentle lady who owns a cupboard of pink dresses and make-up table. But today, a man told me I'm too gentle to be an engineer. He thought I was a teacher, or even a nurse. All because of I sprained my neck this morning!
The "wildest" sprain I had in my life. I sprained my neck by sneezing this morning. Don't laugh! I know it's very FUNNY! But it's REAL! And it HURTS too! I almost cried. But after a while, it seems fine, and I continue with my plan, to go Jurong East Citibank to sign up for the credit card which ties to SMRT. However, apparently, my neck didn't do quite well, and I had to maintain the very very small moves. That was how I made the bank personnel who attended to me think I'm too gentle to be an engineer! Oh Gosh! I almost replied him, wait till you know me! Of course I didn't, who the hell has this kinda mood when the neck is sprained?
I'm never a gentle lady, but today someone thought I'm very gentle, even thought I'm the good nurse in hospitals. Oh Come On................................ That would not be me!
I wasn't upset nor happy. But I was thinking, how often to I judge people I met by the way he/she appears to me? WAY TOO OFTEN... Some people that I dislike on first sight, turned out to be some of my quite good friends; While some of the people whom appear to be fine to me, turned out to be someone who gets on my nerves! And how come I never learned the lesson? Don't judge!
Everyone is born to be different. Even friends, whom you thought you had known them for quite some time can surprise you with some extraordinary talents that you never knew they had! So why do we want to judge people the way they appear? Knock me off the next time you heard me judging a person will ya?
FINE! Stop laughing about my sprained neck ok? I know nobody could sprain a neck by sneezing...