
Bad Hair DaySSSS...

My hair has been killing me softly, ever since I've decided to keep it long again.

Most of you know that I cut my hair short, as short as 3cm December last year. I was proud of the short hair, as I can sleep a little bit longer everyday, I don't have to comb my hair, I can shower 15 mins before I sleep etc. There were so many advantages.


I have to visit the saloon, every month! If I were to leave my hair to grow for 2 months, I would look as if I grow bushes on my head. On my 6th month of having super short hair, I lost my patience, and I want them to be long again.

And ever since I've made the decision to keep long hair again, I hope my hair could reach shoulder length on the next morning when I wake up. But too bad, this never happen...

It's neck length now, I hate this!

People say plants will grow faster if you talk to them and let them listen to music, I wonder what will it be if I were to do the same to my hair?

4 条评论:

KiaHooi 说...

ermm... u can try. then u can record and plot graphs and if it works, u can publish a journal!

薇薇 说...

hahahahaha!!!! then i have to have a control, where no music is played to the hair... meaning after my experiment with music, i still have to cut my hair!



huinee 说...

Umm, I always scold my hair to try to get them to be more "obedient"...never worked. :P I heard that washing hair more often helps growth...haha...can try that...except it might also make more hair fall out. Hehe!

薇薇 说...

sure ar? wash hair can make it grow faster? anyway i also wash hair almost everyday le, don't seem to grow very fast :P