
What a Translation!

Hock Chuan told me he thinks the entry that I blogged about "pok pok" was very funny. I was curious how he read it, and the answer was Google Translate.

"Is it accurate?" I asked.

"Well, it has to depend on your own imagination..." That's his answer.

I can't help but wanted to try, on the similar entry that he mentioned and this is the results!

Wei-wei said that the back lanes is the devil's paradise, back alleys and the size of the things I can not always escaped.

One neighbor auntie, always liked to up there in underwear on the fence. On one occasion, auntie is probably not a lot of days to wash your underwear, underwear sun-tall fence as a whole are linked to the brim, very spectacular.

Wei-wei, of course, the devil is only being "deeply moved" on it, pointing to the spectacular scene shouted

"Wow! Sauce more than pok pok!"

The whole street got auntie, would like to see laughs laughter, tears. Ha, ha, ha!

We advise you not to underwear after the sun so to spectacular.

Hock Chuan, this needs WHOLE WORLD of imagination!!!! I can't believe you could understand what I was saying! Thanks for the support :D

8 条评论:

Ying Ying 盈盈 说...

wah!! not bad huh? ;p

KiaHooi 说...

hmm.. what translator u used? this is actually quite ok, i've seen worst!

薇薇 说...

dajie, you're praising hock chuan? is it?

kiahooi, perhaps you didn't read properly, hock chuan used the new google translate. not me :P

huinee 说...

Wah the translation very the good loh!

Jen Wong 说...

all those translator engine is useless for the time being..

斌世无双 说...

haha... yaya i am talking about u.. proud?

匿名 说...

Didn't notice this post about what I said. oklar. have seen worse translation.

once u used it a lot of times ald, u will know what it mean. :P

薇薇 说...

hahahaha, i know. but, just seldom use.