

I've been spending my time in librabry after lectures, editing my FYP progress report. My mentor gave me a lot of suggestions in improving the presentability of my report and lots of editing need to be done!!

My supervisor asked for the progress report to be sent to him by end of this month at the first week of school reopen. I was so shocked to receive the email but yet the usual laziness was dragging myself to start writing. I gave myself excuses like "I need to do more experiments to verify the results", "It's just a progress report, it won't take THAT LONG...", "Still have time... End of January what..."

I realized that I really have to start on the second week of school. I started to compile my data from all the testing, mainly VSM (Vibraing Sample Magnetometer, measuring magnetic properties) and elongation tests. The number of graphs that I have to plot are MASSIVE! I messed my bedroom everytime I try to plot the graphs. There are simply too many categories and ... JUST TOO MANY!!! I regretted that I kept them un-arranged since I started my experiments like... LAST YEAR?!?!?! GOSH...

Lesson #1: Compile your data after every experiment is a MUST!

When I was on my way to the finalised report, I sent the draft of the arrangement to my mentor. I needed his advice for the arrangement. And of course he did, with lots of comments and advice. There were some contents that I haven't included into the report before sending to him and he made comments on those too. Sighz... My report wasn't too formal for his standard because my mindset was set to "It's just a PROGRESS REPORT!!!" Luckily he reminded me that the report has to be submitted to my DEAR PROF... So, I edited them so hard for last two days and he finally approved my report to be sent to my supervisor.

Lesson #2: Do NOT be over confident and DO take things seriously!

I take for granted with the fact that both my mentor and supervisor are nice person. And I depend on my mentor quite a lot on continuing my experiments and etc. I actually feel guilty that he has to check my report for me though he's so stressed out for his own report. But he said that's one of his job in the school. I feel so grateful for having such a nice mentor. He's patience, caring, helpful and smart! Sometimes I fear that there's anything I did to trouble him (all the time...)

Lesson #3: Do NOT take things for granted!

There were some incidents (in school and personal stuffs) that reflected how I neglect the important things in my life. I need a change. I know it is not too late.

Finally, I submitted my progress report.

Finally, I realized I was being foolish. And it's never too late to change.

