





The setting of this pc is relly getting on my nerve. I've been using almost half an hour to write this. Kill me!!! Hahahaha!!!

Please look out for more updates from me.


Dali, Yunnan

I'm now using internet in a youth hostel I stay in Dali. Reached here last night at 10pm. Before reaching this youth hostel, I have been taking 4 different buses from Tu Lin. From Tu Lin to Yuan Mou, Yuan Mou to Chu Xiong, Chu Xiong to Xia Guan, Xia Guan to Da Li. This process had taken 10hours!!!! My sis and I simply had butt ache!

Anyway, interesting things happened in Tu Lin! We had our first horse riding for the first time! And we also fell out from the horse together for the first time!!! Hahahahahaha!! That's why we are having bad butt ache now! SHIT! Anyway, we're fine, so don't worry. We laugh whenever we imagine the scene of falling down.

I just had my breakfast and will be going to prepare for a one day tour around Da Li which is organized by the youth hostel. I really like to blog all my stories from the first day in Kun Ming in Chinese, but I do not really know how to use this PC. And I do not have enough time too!

Kunming is a big city.
Tu Lin is a super duper ULU place that I can never imagine, but the scenery is simply magnificent!!
Da Li is very lively and nice!

Please wait for my other updates from Yunnan!





  1. 昆明-当然啦,飞机场就在哪儿
  2. 楚雄-远谋的土林,是个不可不去的地方
  3. 大理-古城
  4. 丽江-中国威尼斯
  5. 香格里拉-人间天堂
  6. 健水古城-顾名思义,古城
  7. 元阳梯田-梯田咯!
  8. 石林-也是云南不可不去的地方




昨天睡醒,已经觉得有点不舒服,也不敢乱吃零食。下午时分,头疼也要硬撑着,因为姐姐的老板从槟城来到我家来给我们几个小瓜讲解一些关于financial planning的事。别人大老远来,我可不能说,对不起,我病了,下回见!所以,又是一番折腾。










这次的人数稍微多了一些,因为涵健和建隆跟我一样,大学毕业了,回家乡生“蘑菇”。呵呵!佳慧和慧芳当然像平时一样,在这里欢迎我们。这一次,我们到autocity的The Manhattan Fish Market用晚餐。晚餐的价格昂贵,而且食物的品质也不过普普通通。看来,下次得找别的餐厅吃去!没法子,我们最主要的是要一间环境优良、可让我们聊上三、四个小时的地方。所以啊,价格往往比较昂贵。




我和慧芳。她当天带了个手袋,特别有女人味 ^_^











Photos from MSE Graduation Nite (11th May 2007)

Mei Ni and I. She's my best friend, been listening to my crap for 4 years. Thanks a lot! *hugs*

Me, Minhua, Mei Ni, Jia Yan. We're the LT mates. (Xueling was absent and Meijin was missing when we took this)

My cool supervisor, Prof Raju. Great man!!!

The lab mates, Yiing See, Zheng Bang & I.

3 of us with Prof. Tan Lay Poh, Best Teacher Award of 2007. She's really a very nice lecturer.

Jiahui, Mei Ni & I. We were the GIP mates. They went to Shanghai though.

Shiau Juan, me, Mai Leng, Ivy and Yiing See. We were project group mates before.

Professors being sabotaged on the stage.

I have more pictures to come. Will have to collect them from my course mates. ^_^

I had a wonderful night with all these people from my course. Love them!

After THE Presentation

After our BIG FYP presentation(10th May), Mei Ni, Ai Mei, Jason and I went out to IMM to grab a dinner. And the poor Jason, he had to accompany the three gals to shop at Daiso, the favourite $2 shop. After that, AM and I "jio" the other two to go back to our house to enjoy our BIG watermelon.

Being the gentleman, Jason "willingly" sacrificed his "first time" to the three of us. And look at what had happened to the watermelon. ^_^

Jason:"I dunno how.....?"

AiMei:"What have you done to my watermelon....?"
Jason:"As long as they're edible...come on..."

And this are the products from Jason. First timer, lets forgive him. He'll cut the best watermelon for his future gf after the training ^^





除了他们,爱媚的“吹水”gang,还有我的系友,也是让我觉得依依不舍。由于经常和爱媚在一起,她的吹水友,亦是我的吹水友。有时他们很搞笑,有时却把我气死!纵使如此,我还是坐在一旁听他们吹水的伟论。 而系友呢,则因为我的“不活动”,直到大四才因为经常在实验室里,才认识了比较多的朋友。虽然谈不上深交,但是,都是一群陪我度过大学生涯的朋友。偶尔一起闲聊、一起说废话,也是开开心心的过。当然,也忘不了司彦,那个在北京陪了我22周的朋友。虽然再也不如此亲密,但是,那份友谊,我依然珍惜。

大学四年,原来这么快就结束。还记得我之前还是不怎么背着“离开”的心情离开考场,只是淡淡的离开。昨天,经过MSE Grad Nite之后,我依然在场地和朋友教授闲话家常,我才知道,我是这么的不舍的。四年,就这样说走就走。












不小心再youtube上找到这个,笑死我了!你们都应该看过这部电影,最后许冠文和周星驰争鸡pat pat的部分超搞笑!



ah sam可以说是粤语歌坛的创始者。如果不是他,我们今天或许还听着一些像粤剧一样的歌曲。难以想象!他的歌曲之所以受人欢迎,是因为旋律简单,很容易就朗朗上口。而且,歌词很有意义,皆是当时香港市民的心声。在人民生活最困苦的时候,有人为他们唱出自己的心声。这种歌曲,有理由红不起来吗?相信大家都应该对他的代表作有点熟悉,半斤八两、铁塔凌云、最紧要好玩、日本娃娃、最佳拍档等。

除了他的音乐,当然少不了他的电影。ah sam并不是很好的演员,看他那千篇一律的表情,你就知道他的演戏天分其实有限。(最喜欢看阿恩模仿他生气的样子)但是,纵使他的演技不好,他的电影还是大受欢迎。尤其80年代,许氏三兄弟的电影几乎每一部都是卖座电影。电影当中的诙谐也夹着一些对社会的讽刺,又是吸引观众的卖点。虽然,无可否认的,许氏三兄弟的电影都很好看,但我本人最喜爱的许冠杰电影还是最佳拍档!!!在家里,我们三姐弟可以不断的重温这部电影,而且,我们偶尔闲来没事做,还一起模仿电影里一些精彩的对白。许冠杰和麦嘉,简直就是最佳拍档!(可惜,我在youtube找不到我最爱的片段,恩,帮我!!)

除了电影和歌曲,ah sam的MTV就精彩咯!哈哈哈!他的歌词唱得什么,就会从MTV里表现出来。让我给你们介绍:最紧要好玩、制水歌(简直是经典!)、半斤八两、日本娃娃,你们不放在youtube找找看看。我写保单你们会捧腹大笑!

ah sam也是一位在我家,上上下下都喜爱的艺人。他的歌曲和电影,都曾经陪伴我们三姐弟长大。我相信,对很多人来说,亦是如此。所以,说许冠杰是香港娱乐界的经典人物,是一点都不过分。





  1. 看很多书!(this is always on top of the list)
  2. 不要看太多无畏的连续剧
  3. 申请中国旅游签证
  4. 准备云南旅游的资料
  5. 准备FYP Presentation
  6. 学骑脚踏车
  7. 调理身体(运动!!!、早睡早起)
  8. 学做一些简单的料理(自己煮,省钱啊!)

  1. 看很多书
  2. 不要看太多无畏的连续剧
  3. 准备云南旅游的资料
  4. 调理身体
  5. 学做简单料理
  6. 学理财
  7. 接受dental treatment,勇敢面对我应该面对的
  8. 做身体检验
  9. 计划,我的人生


Not A Good Day!!

It's 3pm now and I'm only having my lunch while writing this post. I woke up early in the morning today, to go to school library. I photocopied my passport and later found that I lost my student pass. I was so panic that I called Ai Mei to help me to look for it in my drawer. And 5 minutes later, I found them in my bag...

By then, I was on the bus heading China Embassy to apply for visa. When I reached Tanglin Road, I was again panic! The queue to visa and passport application was sooooooooo FREAKINGLY long!! I can't see the main door of the embassy! All I knew was I was standing under the HOT SUN by the road with a bunch of people. It's already 10am and the Embassy closed on 11.30am for application. SHIT! I told myself, never mind, just queued, maybe they will extend the opening hours due to the traffic caused by the stupid labour day golden week.

Everybody was HOT, sweating, thirsty, panic, angry... But all we can do was follow the queue. After an hour, I started to see the main gate. So I was hoping that I can get into it before 11.30am. And yea, I got into the main gate. The lady in front of me and the young lad behind me were equally relief like me. But we're so DAMN WRONG!

When we got ouselves in front of the gate of the office, the security guards locked the door and SHOO-ed us off! I was very pissed off but I didn't know what to do. An old aunty accompanied by her daughter were even more pissed! The 70 year old lady had stood under the sun like me for more than one hour. And all we got is:"No more numbers! Come again tomorrow!!"

It was very chaotic in front of the gate. Some people tried to squeezed themselves into the gate, and I heard some of them shouting because the guards were forcing the gate to close. Some were shouting to the officers and guards. And some of them, like me and the lady in front, stood there helplessly and walked away.

When we left, there wasn't any officer out at the gate to tell people that the office had closed for applications. We being kind enough, informed the people in the queue. Same reactions all around the embassy...

I thought the officers could at least came out to the queue to count how many numbers they could handle and let the others go home. Instead of letting us queue under the HOT sun. The embassy had one whole week of holiday and I thought they could have been expecting this crowd today. But they chose to do nothing to this and continue their FREAKINGLY long lunch hour starts from 11.30am.


After that, I took a bus to Orchard as I planned, to look for presents to buy. But I couldn't find anything suitable and one hour later, I was hungry and suffering from headache. I didn't know what to eat as I was lepak-ing alone. Finally, I bought a pack of pasta and sauce from Cold Storage of Takashimaya and took a cab home. These are only things I bought from Orchard today.

Haiz... This is really not a very good day!


I'm a Lily!

You Are A Lily

You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist.
People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you.
You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words.
Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize.











Do you want some tips from us?

I know it sounds a little bit crazy, but roommates like Ai Mei and I can still talk for one whole night and went to bed when the sun is almost out on the sky. And we did it again last night (or this morning) again, and went to bed on 6.30am!!!

What did we talk about? We talked about love (don't get me wrong, we talk family love), about life, about friends, about future, about career, and most of all, about the experience we had for several interviews. YUP!

It seems like yesterday, that Ai Mei and I sat in our own bed and talk about our "old school stuffs", gossiping about people around us, telling each other how we felt for some tiny bits of things that happen in our life... Now, I feel that we've grown, to talk about more serious things, life and future. It suddenly makes growing up something to look forward to.

Anyway, back to my title, I wish to share some "tips" from our experience in interviews. Ai Mei made some good points about interviews which I never thought of, and after flashing back my own experience, they really make so much sense!

Ok, here are the tips:
  1. You want the interviewers to remember you. But you think your answers to the questions are not unique enough. What you can do is fully utilize the time when the interviewer said "Do you have any questions for me?" Ask more to show your interest to this certain position and company, e.g. "How many people are there in this department?", "How many years have you been working in the company and what do you think about this?" and etc.
  2. Be natural even though you know that you had prepared the standard answers for the common interview questions. Be NATURAL! Interviewer will not want to hear you memorizing your own answers. They prefer some prompt answers. So, be as natural as you can!
  3. Smile even you know you're totally stressed out! When you smile, interviewer might feel pleasant talking to you. He/she might forget the tedious questions that they have prepared for you and you can carry on talking or chit-chatting with them without much sweat!
  4. When you're asked with some technical questions (engineers) which you totally do not have any idea, just be honest that you do not know. Be frank!
  5. Don't mind that you are not speaking the Queen's English, show your confidence.
I forgot what else we've talked about the interviews, but these are some. Ai Mei made the first point and YEA! That's very true! Try this next time when you have interviews.









Photos of Yang's Tour in Singapore

Ah Yang amused by the car park lot counter in front of Esplanade.

Talk to the hand!

At the Merlion Park.

A Merlion postcard ^_^

Taken with Yee Hau's Panasonic built in wide angle. nice!~

He didn't purposely pose that for me, but I like it!

I didn't purposely pose that for him too!!!

Just a nice view from the bridge at Boat Quay.

The Sea Angel at Underwater World. I like this, very dreamy~~

A photo taken in Jurong Waterfalls, The biggest MAN MADE waterfall in the world, in Bird Park.

Another one from Bird Park as well, just for fun!

Touring in Singapore

Been disappearing from my blog for quite some days... 4 or 5 days? Well, maybe some of you who did not know me very well will wonder what did I do for the past few days. I had been touring around Singapore, like a tourist. Yea, I did!

Ah Yang came to Singapore for architecture intake interview in NUS. After the interview, we started our tour in Singapore. This was my first time touring around Singapore like a tourist for 4 days straight! To be honest to all of you, I never been to some of the places that I've taken him to.

For the first day, due to limited time and he needed earlier rest caused of the interview on next day, we went to Orchard Road. This young man was very fast to get bored by all the similar looking malls and crowded places. Luckily I didn't plan to tour him at Orchard Road for long hours.

Sunday was his interview. We went to NUS early in the morning and look for the lecture theatre where the intervie was held. Yee Hau came to accompany while waiting for him. After the interview, we went to a city tour. Merlion, Esplanade, Boat Quay and Raffles Place are definitely must go for a tourist. It's not my first time to take photos around here, but it's definitely fun to see this young man amused by lots of things! Hahaha...

After the city tour, we went to Night Safari. This was my 2nd visit. I still have the same feelings of visiting zoo. I hate to see them being caged in the very small pathetic "natural jungle". And the zoo authority claims that they are providing the best? These animals have lost their natural behaviour, so what's the best? Ah Yang asked me to think in a positive way, the animals are just staying in a 5 Star Hotel. Hehehe... Oh anyway, the animal show was entertaining. The trainer knows how to get attention of the audience and made all the normal things of animal show so amazing!

The next day, we went to City Gallery, Chinatown, Sentosa and Vivo City. Talk about Sentosa, I had only visited Sentosa for the freshmen orientation camp. This was again, my first time to go Underwater World, took the cable car, 4D Magix and Dolphin Lagoon. Underwater World was very disappointing. Small, lack of information of the creatures, not enough place for the visitors to move around etc. I prefer HK underwater world in Ocean Park. Dolphin Lagoon is popular with the pink dolphins. But the show was VERY disappointing! VERY! Audience cannot see the dolphins and the program was BORING! Some of the audience left before the show ended.

The last day of his Singapore stay, we went to Bird Park and Science Centre. Bird Park was a very nice place to visit, provided if you like nature. They have wide variety of BIRDS in the park. But still, I hate the way they cage them. The "performers" (birds used in bird show) were even tied on the pathetic steel bar and exhibited to everyone. The performers are big eagles and owls... What are they thinking? They think they can treat the eagles like parrots? I saw the bald eagle tried to fly from his steel bar and fell onto the floor because he forgot he was being tied up!

Science Centre?!! Oh crap.... Don't even think about paying any dollar to visit this shitty centre!!! Don't!! Waste of time and waste of money!

Anyway,it's nice to pretend to be a tourist in a place that you're familiar with once in a while. You see things from a different perspective. Try it for yourself sometimes.

At the end of it, I hope Ah Yang had enjoyed his stay with me in Singapore. And good luck to him!!!