
I'm a Lily!

You Are A Lily

You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist.
People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you.
You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words.
Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize.

4 条评论:

KiaHooi 说...

I'm a lily too~ =P

~AmK~ 说...

haha.. same here...

薇薇 说...

y everyone lily?

匿名 说...

You Are a Tulip

You have a wild, experimental side that craves change.
You often switch jobs and lovers, always looking for something better.
But deep down, you're also very well grounded and content.
And you will come to know that the life you live is already ideal.
