How much do we know about our Earth? How much have we done to destroy the Earth? How can we stop this? How long can Earth sustain our inhuman activities?
April 22nd, is the Earth Day. I was very ignorant in the past that I never questioned the objectives of this festival. But now, I'm not. I've checked and I've read through the websites to find more about the Earth day and also facts of the Earth.
Why is Earthy Day celebrated on 22nd pf April? But not any other day. This is because it's vernal equinox. What is that? Equinox is the event when the Sun can be observed directly above the Earth's equator, meaning, the day and night are nearly of the same length. A perfectly vertical pole standing on the equator at noon during equinox will not cast a shadow. (From Wikipedia.)
The official website of Earth Day had suggested what can we do for the Earth. Let me share some here. I hope all of you could click your way to the website and read more about it.
- Change your light bulbs (Energy efficient light bulbs)
- Drive your car differently – or drive a different car altogether (Fuel efficient car like Hybrid car or car pool)
- Tame the refrigerator monster (Don't set the thermostat too high, door closed properly.)
- Green plants with less water, more trees to provide shade
- Recycle
I learned from the website that we can actually register to them and organize our own Earth Day event at our community. I wish I could do that now, but I don't seem to have the ability yet. So friends, please remind me of this, it'll be one of my to-do-list in the future.
Anyway, it's not important whether or not there's Earth Day event in our own community. The most important thing is we have to learn to love our Earth. The Earth has provide us so much for so long, but what have we done?
4 条评论:
Not bad! I have 2 out of the 5-to-do list done! :p My light bulbs are energy efficient and I recycle at home!
For driving, I'm taking train here! For heating, out of my control! Landlord taking care of this. And I have a pot of little green thing in my room.. Does it count? :p
hey!i don't have energy efficient light bulbs wor...hm...
i dont drive in sg,hahaha,like u,i take trains and public buses.msia gov should really do sth on our public transportation,poor system...
i want a green plant on my table!!!!but my table is stupidly small.i'm gonna do sth about it!
yuan,overall,you're a good citizen!hahaha!
I have energy-efficient light bulb, I hardly drink stuff out of cans--when I do my housemate recycles them, I usually take the bus to school, and the best part is, I've practically trained the leafy potted plant in my apartment to be a cactus--i.e. I water it like once a month or something and it's still alive and green...ish!
how come everyone got energy efficient light bulb????i want too!!
anyway,i salute to you plant!hahaha!she must have known about Earth Day and global warming as well. :P