
Billy Joel

Ok, I have to confess, that I'm slacking and I'm again addicted to Youtube again! Sighz...

Yes, it's about Billy Joel. Kia Hooi's fault. :P

Kia Hooi found a clip of her beloved Lee Hom singing Billy Joel's Pianoman, so she recommended that to me. After watching the clip, I clicked my way in Youtube again and found some very AWESOME clips of Billy Joel in live performance.

The clips I'm sharing here will be live performance of Billy Joel and Sir Elton John. I just can't find a proper adjective to descirbe this. (My English sucks big time, please forgive me!) Please enjoy and bare with the loading time.

Billy Joel has got his way to prove that a GREAT pianist does not necessary play classical pieces to be great. He's simply GOOD in any piece.

Feeling very high again...

4 条评论:

KiaHooi 说...

Aiya, blame me pula~

Not many people can carry this song you know, so my intro is great too right?


Anyway, you notice japanese wear ties and suits to concert? I'll be fidgety if I wear my formal wear to a concert!

薇薇 说...

of coz ur fault la!hahahaha!

anyway,japanese is like that one ma,the look is very important to them!but i doubt the younger generation still do it this way..

ask ying ying

Ying Ying 盈盈 说...

I've never been to any concert in Japan so I can't answer this question ;p

Long live Billy Joel!!!!!!!!!!!

薇薇 说...

do u want to pray him again?